Its Botox, Baby!
When did the work place become high school? For me high school was alright. I kept my head down, I didn’t call too much attention myself, and luckily I was too tall to be stuffed in any lockers. Regardless, I… Continue Reading
When did the work place become high school? For me high school was alright. I kept my head down, I didn’t call too much attention myself, and luckily I was too tall to be stuffed in any lockers. Regardless, I… Continue Reading
After spending 40 to 50 hours a week at work your coworker begin to feel like your second family, and much like a real family sometimes you cannot pick the members who are a part of it. In my office we… Continue Reading
February is quickly coming to a close and with it, the end of the often maligned Black History Month. For me February is a month for reflection and remembrance of all of the contributions that African Americans have made throughout… Continue Reading
It is a matter that has plagued Black America since they let us in the big corner office; one that has divided households and pit brother against brother: To work or not to work on Martin Luther King, Jr. day?… Continue Reading
Man-Logic: noun \ˈ man lä-jik\ : a proper or reasonable way of thinking about or understanding something, void of irrational emotional reasoning that is typically displayed by the “weaker sex”. Example: “Despite your apparent vagina, you make decisions like a… Continue Reading
Today has been the most glorious of days. I’m at home sick and I’ve managed to create an impressive mound of used tissues next to my bed. The important point is: I’m not at work. Ergo, I am not being… Continue Reading
“Your ‘fro is extra poofy today. Is that why you’re so militant?” That is the phrase that I hear on occasion at my job… and by “occasion” I of course mean, 2-3 times a week. I guess you can say… Continue Reading At least once a month (and that’s being conservative) I reenact this scene my mind while at work. Today was one of those days where I didn’t have much patience, and the prior restraint I usually maintain was very… Continue Reading
Do you ever have those moments at work where you have an out-of-body experience, and all you can think is: this is my job? Not like in the cool, “oh yay! I can’t believe I get paid for this!” Or… Continue Reading