Its Botox, Baby!
When did the work place become high school? For me high school was alright. I kept my head down, I didn’t call too much attention myself, and luckily I was too tall to be stuffed in any lockers. Regardless, I… Continue Reading
When did the work place become high school? For me high school was alright. I kept my head down, I didn’t call too much attention myself, and luckily I was too tall to be stuffed in any lockers. Regardless, I… Continue Reading
The Day After I’m sure there are going to be several think pieces to come out in the following days analyzing the aftermath of the 2016 Presidential Election. Unfortunately I’m not that enlightened, thoughtful, or self-reflective…. so this post isn’t… Continue Reading
After spending 40 to 50 hours a week at work your coworker begin to feel like your second family, and much like a real family sometimes you cannot pick the members who are a part of it. In my office we… Continue Reading